Sunday, May 29, 2011

why i'm writing this blog about kombucha

my recent forays into the world of kombucha culturing (and culture) have inspired me to become a blog writer.  i’m not sure why as i’ve never even kept a journal, but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that i’m trying to avoid anything so stringent as keeping regular charts of my measurements and recipes, while still needing to have a record what i have or haven’t done involving each kombucha batch.  it could also have something to do with the fact that i’m really new to this, and while cross-indexing information on the internet i’ve discovered that there are hundreds if not thousands of variations that can be made to the ‘bucha brewing routine and it’s easy to get confused when attempting to follow the step by step instructions.  the more i decide what the "right" way is to go about it, the more i discover new experiments to try!

suffice it to say that i’m eager to share my experiences while gaining insight from anyone who might be interested in learning ways to make kombucha better and more cost effective (or even insight from anyone who might have more experience using various cleaning methods, flavor recommendations, juicing techniques, etc).  i’m starting to make enough kombucha so that i can sell some of them out of every batch and turn a little bit of a profit, yet this means i’ll need to get larger pots and pans to work with, not to mention tongs and other tools so that i’m not burning myself with scalding water each time as i clumsily sterilize bottles.  any advice will be seriously welcomed!

i’m looking forward to learning more about the science of kombucha as i attempt to explain it here (and get corrected), and from these facts deduce the ways in which i might be able to alter my recipe to change certain characteristics of the ‘buch such as the fizziness, the flavor or the sugar content.  using certain devices such as an incubation mat are supposed to speed up the brewing process, but will this change the amount of carbonation occurring in the liquid?  i don’t know, but i hope to find out and share!  i’m also hoping to share some of my other favorite foods and recipes as i comment on my everyday life as a culinary-artist turned “kitchen-sink-specialist” (meaning that i attempt to make meals from whatever i find in the fridge, as in the phrase “everything but the kitchen sink”).

i'm planning on updating this blog every two weeks or so (as each new batch is brewed and bottled), but over the next couple of days i'll try to explain kombucha in layman's terms and brief readers on my initial brewing processes.  hopefully this will help narrow down some of my difficulties and provide some brainstorming opportunities for solutions!